Sweet Smells

My family and I were out on an errand run earlier today. My husband went into a store while the kids and I sat in the car. Upon his return, we were blown away by the sweet, strong smell that were on the goods that he’d purchased. I asked that he put them in the trunk just to get relief.

Fragrances seem to be ubiquitous in our society. Our noses are swamped with a variety of scents in our grocers, clothing stores, schools, homes, and on ourselves as well as others. It smells good. So that’s great right?

Well, hold on. There are some scents that are beneficial and some that aren’t. The natural ones from our flowers, fruits, and herbs can be quite nurturing. But, the ones that we seem to encounter more often than not are synthetically manufactured in a lab, designated with a number or a very long, difficult to pronounce scientific name.

These fragrances contain a plethora of volatile organic compounds that are detrimental to our health. Although manufacturers of fragrances aren’t required to list ingredients, we can make ourselves aware of  the health affects of VOCs. These chemicals negatively affect many parts of the body including the central nervous and respiratory systems, and the liver.

Given a choice, I opt for natural.

About Cassandra D. Wright