Archives for June 2013

Eat to Live and Still Enjoy It

I love food. Actually, I love good-tasting food.

There is a saying that goes something like this:

Some people eat to live while others live to eat.

Well, I used to fall proudly in the latter category. Of course, I needed food to live but I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of the wonderful bursts of flavor that would erupt in my mouth.

I say I used to be this way because today, I’m in the “middle of the road” category. I still enjoy the experience of a tasty meal but how that meal affects me physically is of vital importance.

My kids and I have a wide variety of food allergies – some quite severe. We have EpiPens with us all the time. The eat to live attitude is far more prominent in my mind than it used to be.

So, when I find recipes that are both healthy for us and great tasting I’m thrilled. Here’s a link to one that get’s my family excited when mentioned: Cybele Pascal’s delightful gluten-free, allergen-free pancakes.

I’ve found this recipe to be easily tweaked. For instance, since my family can’t use corn or its derivatives, I just added more brown rice flour. They still turned out great.
