Archives for October 2015

Five Ways to Save Time in the Kitchen

5 Ways to Save Time in the Kitchen

Get Organized

An important part of creating and maintaining a healthy home (your natural green oasis!) is keeping it organized. When it is organized you have more time for the important things that you must do everyday including making your home healthier. But, when it isn’t, it is so easy to slip back into old, unhealthy habits because if nothing else, unhealthy habits are usually easy.

For instance, one area of your home that definitely needs organizing is your kitchen! If your kitchen isn’t in order, you’re more likely to skip meals and let your blood sugar drop or simply resort to fast food.

How can you work to make your home healthier if you’re dizzy from lack of nourishment or stuffed with a greasy, double-meat, double-cheese burger? 🙁

So, what can you do?

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